David Haigh tagged posts

Brand Britain is one of the world’s most valuable nation brands according to new research by Brand Finance

Brit-Bull-dogHard on the heels of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement comes some welcome news!

Brand Britain is now worth USD 2.3 trillion (GBP 1.4 trillion) to become the world’s fourth most-valuable nation brand, having pushed Japan into fifth place according to new research by Brand Finance, a leading brand valuation consultancy that’s just published the 2013 edition of its Nation Brands report.

Using an analysis more usually applied to companies, the report provides a comprehensive look at the world’s leading nation brands and the impact that a country’s reputation and image has on governments, investors, students and consumers.

The top 10 most valuable nation brands in the world (2...

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Essential reading for any business looking to make money from sports infrastructure projects worldwide

Cover-final_Page_1‘Global opportunities for sports marketing, infrastructure and consultancy services to 2022’ shows that UK companies could benefit to the tune of GBP 5.9 billion partly as a result of the 2012 Olympic Legacy.

The 260 page Report, with detailed analysis across ALL global markets and 17 specially commissioned infographics is published by International Marketing Reports  and is available as an immediate download at GBP 995.00.

Currently, the UK sports service sector earns around 50% of its income overseas and the London 2012 Games helped to provide the expertise to chase major international contracts worth GBP billions.

The report identifies opportunities for companies i...

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