Easter tagged posts

Cultural sensitivity can help to increase profits, claims new research

muslim meal timeWith British Muslims celebrating the festival of Eid al-Fitr over the coming days, new research suggests brand owners may be missing out on the sales opportunities presented by this and other cultural events. According to an online poll of 1,000 UK adults by creative agency Haygarth, nearly 30% of Asian or British Asian respondents intend to go shopping for Eid and Ramadan, the month of fasting that precedes it.This amounts to 3% of all UK consumers, leading Haygarth to warn that the retail calendar is becoming increasingly complex because of changing demographics, cultural trends and marketing techniques.

It found another 3% of UK respondents intend to shop for the Jew...

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Why God is still big box office this Easter with ‘The Passion of the Christ’

JCWhen Hollywood A-list Mel Gibson decided to make a movie that would chronicle the last 12 hours in the life of Jesus Christ without securing any outside funding or distribution, most Hollywood studios thought he was nuts and the movie was going to be one of the biggest flops of all time.

Indeed, Mel Gibson had his doubts too, but decided to put his own money on the line for a project that he felt so passionate about.

In an interview with the venerable Hollywood Reporter in 2002, Gibson said: “This is a film about something that nobody wants to touch, shot in two dead languages. In Los Angeles they think I’m insane and maybe I am.”

Undeterred and with a bold vision and...

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