ICCO tagged posts

Ardi Kolah speaks at ICCO Summit on how international agencies can generate incremental new business in the wake of London 2012

Venue-for-ICCO-SummitLeading PR and sports marketing expert Ardi Kolah discusses the findings of his unique global report that identified opportunities for sports marketing and consultancy services to 2022 at the forthcoming ICCO Summit in Paris on 10-11 October 2013.

Kolah recently advised the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) in the wake of the phenomenal success of London 2012 Olympic Games and his recommendations have influenced the British Government’s growth strategy for business and professional services.

Kolah’s briefing for ICCO Members includes:

  1. identifying the new business opportunities;
  2. explaining the timescales and bidding processes;
  3. reporting/estimating the budg...
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