Ardi Kolah speaks at ICCO Summit on how international agencies can generate incremental new business in the wake of London 2012

Venue-for-ICCO-SummitLeading PR and sports marketing expert Ardi Kolah discusses the findings of his unique global report that identified opportunities for sports marketing and consultancy services to 2022 at the forthcoming ICCO Summit in Paris on 10-11 October 2013.

Kolah recently advised the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) in the wake of the phenomenal success of London 2012 Olympic Games and his recommendations have influenced the British Government’s growth strategy for business and professional services.

Kolah’s briefing for ICCO Members includes:

  1. identifying the new business opportunities;
  2. explaining the timescales and bidding processes;
  3. reporting/estimating the budgets;
  4. highlighting the problems presented in specific markets;
  5. detailing the local business cultures;
  6. explaining when and where to seek joint-venture partners;
  7. analysing the competition; and
  8. outlining the best approach to secure contracts in each market.

ICCO members have the opportunity to purchase the 260-page Report (normally GBP 995) at an exclusive 50% discount at GBP 497.50.

Global PR Leaders will gather this year in Paris to discuss the future of the industry under the theme ‘Change or Perish: The Future of PR’.

“I’m expecting business development and sources of incremental new business for PR agencies and marketing services groups to be high on the agenda and so my presentation will hopefully give them food for thought,” says Kolah.

The ICCO Summit is an annual event that pulls together senior practitioners from PR consultancies around the world to explore the issues and trends affecting the industry. The stated aim of the ICCO is to unite director-level and above consultants to spark debate, share best practice and strengthen the global PR community.

A full line up of the major players in global PR industry promises to make the ICCO Summit one of the most successful in recent years.

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