Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) 100 List – 2017

In order to establish the shortlist for the Board Talent Index from within the BAME community, executive recruitment firm Green Park applied a soft scoring method based on the criteria it believes separates REALmodels from other diverse leaders. These criteria focus on influencing positive change and development in business and are each graded out of 25.
The criteria:

R = Recognised: accredited for the good that they do

E = Extraordinary: not just achieved but excelled in their efforts

A = Authentic: known for being true to their undisputed origin

L = Leading: climbed the ladder of their organisations and achieved success

Once the REALmodel leaders are identified, the judges ratify the shortlists based on their own insights, the individual’s credibility and the profiles presented and the final indexes are confirmed. Each shortlist usually contains around 115-135 profiles. An Advisory Panel including Lord Holmes, Baroness Royall, Ken Olisa OBE, Raj Tulsiani and Trevor Philips MBE ratifies the final BAME 100 List.


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