City of LondonMany organisations are now very concerned about the likely impact of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation. This new legislation represents the first major overhaul of data protection legislation since the 90’s and is a response to the significant privacy issues arising from the rapid developments in data management, cloud hosting and social networking.

The new rules will require ALL companies – big and small – to manage data access and privacy with greater stringency, carrying very significant penalties for failing to do so. This new data requirement affects every financial services company in all EU Member States. It isn’t just a compliance issue, but rather goes to the heart of your sales and marketing strategies.

The Worshipful Company of Marketors and the Financial Services Forum have jointly organised a FREE seminar with Cass Business School, London.

Date: Tuesday 27 January 2015

Time: 0900 – 12 noon

Venue: Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ


  • Chris Wood, Head of UK Banking Regulation Compliance, HSBC
  • Hazel Grant, Partner, Fieldfisher
  • Jenny Moseley, Liveryman of WCM and Co-Founder, Opt-4
  • Martin Hickley, Data Privacy/Governance Consultant
  • Ardi Kolah Chairman WCM’s Law & Marketing Committee and author of Essential Law for Marketers (2nd Ed), Kogan Page


Trevor Brignall

Secretary, Law & Marketing Committee, Worshipful Company of Marketors and mention that you are a guest of Guru in a Bottle.

Ardi Kolah FCIM LL.M  is Chairman, Law & Marketing Committee, Worshipful Company of Marketors

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