Martin Hickley tagged posts

The Imitation Game

Imitation GameIn the media this week there’s been a fair amount of speculation as to when the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is likely to see the light of day. Some commentators are speculating that sign-off by the European Parliament, Council of Ministers and the European Commission won’t happen until Spring 2016.

Earlier this year, a joint statement by EC vice president Andrus Ansip and EU Commissioner Věra Jourová indicated that GDPR could become law by the end of 2015. Perhaps this was wishful thinking?

And this week, some 60 pressure groups including the UK’s Open Rights Group, Liberty, the Dutch Consumer Council and US Electronic Privacy Information Centre have wr...

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“BYOD is a ticking time bomb” warns data protection expert Martin Hickley

BYODAs many data protection, compliance, human resources and legal experts speculate as to the consequences that will be wrecked on all organisations as a result of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there is widespread confusion across the web as to whether Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) is still acceptable or whether organisations need to radically undertake a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) and change their internal policies as a result.

“Even though the law in this area hasn’t changed today, it would be foolhardy in the extreme for organisations not to carry out a DPIA as a precautionary measure given the massive data protection and security...

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Race against the clock for revising third party contracts ahead of GDPR

On your marksThere’s currently a ‘wait and see’ with the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what’s certain from all the conversations we’re having with companies is that they need clear guidance in how to prepare for the inevitable when it arrives.

However, that doesn’t mean that companies should sit on their hands and wait, according to Martin Hickley, a leading data protection and governance expert.

“Imagine you’re a company and the data controller. You know that once the GDPR is approved, you’ll have a two-year grace period in order to ensure that all data protection and security procedures comply with the principles of the EU Regulation...

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Fingerprint technology is unsafe as a security measure claims leading cyber crime and compliance expert

121019_fingerprint_machine_lgThere are growing concerns among data protection experts that current safeguards in place for the collection and storage of fingerprints is deeply flawed and are likely to be in breach of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation, expected to be approved in 2015.

At the convention of Chaos Computer Club, a computer hacker known as “Starbug” claims to have cloned the thumbprint of German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen simply by using a standard smartphone and other pictures taken of her when she spoke at a conference recently.

Fingerprint identification is a commonplace security measure...

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City of LondonMany organisations are now very concerned about the likely impact of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation. This new legislation represents the first major overhaul of data protection legislation since the 90’s and is a response to the significant privacy issues arising from the rapid developments in data management, cloud hosting and social networking.

The new rules will require ALL companies – big and small – to manage data access and privacy with greater stringency, carrying very significant penalties for failing to do so. This new data requirement affects every financial services company in all EU Member States...

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What is meant by “data breach”?

Hacker typing on a laptopThis was the subject of discussion with Martin Hickley, a leading expert on all things cyber-crime and data protection related. Martin will be speaking at a special event that I’m chairing on 27 January 2015 at Cass Business School that will examine the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation on the financial services sector and what should be done in this current transition period ahead of the EU Regulation being activated across the European Union, possibly next year.

Two words dominated the conversation with Martin: DATA BREACH.

This is a term that’s being used frequently in the media and elsewhere and indeed is referred in the current Data Protection Act 1998...

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