FREE VOCUS webinar on how to spot brand vandalism before you become a victim

brand attack mash upHow times have changed. As PR professionals, are we in charge of how the world sees and perceives us?

Are we masters of our universe and able to manage the flow of information like we used to in order to protect and enhance the reputation of those organisations we work for and represent?

Back in 1948, US social historian Eric Goldman in his book Two-Way Street predicted that communication between an organisation and its audiences would develop in three distinct ways.

Initially, organisations and companies would have the upper hand and be able to control the amount of spin on any given subject and the unsuspecting audience wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

The second era would herald the start of information age where the quality of communication between an organisation and the public will be characterized by delivering the facts rather than spin.

And the third era of communication would be dominated by two-way engagement. What Eric Goldman hadn’t predicted was that social media would turn the tables on multi-national organisations where they now live in fear of ‘Brand Vandalism’.

Fast forward to 2013, and at the end of last year a new book by Steve Earl and Stephen Waddington hit the shelves and caused a bit of a stir. Brand Vandals was a polemic about the dangers facing any organisation as it struggles to manage its reputation in the face of determined vandals out to destroy it on social media. “Media has become a two-way weapon. Nobody can control it. It’s anarchy.”

Well, before hitting the ‘panic button’ (!) why not register and tune into this FREE WEBINAR that will help you to:

  1. Appreciate how vulnerable your organisation is to ‘Brand Vandalism’ – both offline and online
  2. Understand how to create an early warning system to spot the risk of ‘Brand Vandalism’ before it happens!
  3. Learn how the US Air Force deals with attacks by bloggers and how you can apply this experience in your own organisation.

It’s time to take back control of your corporate reputation! Read the update to this blog by clicking here.  Join me on the special webinar ‘Brand Vandalism’ on Tuesday 18 March at 1500 GMT with leading libel lawyer  Jonathan Coad by registering here.

A VOCUS Production. 




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