“Positive vibes” as Trilogue on GDPR begins today

Positive EU vibes2Speaking after the first Trilogue meeting today, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Rapporteur for the European Parliament said that agreement between the European Commission, Parliament and Council of Ministers may be achievable by the end of 2015 alongside the Data Protection Directive for law enforcement – the so-called EU Police Directive.

Speaking to reporters, Albrecht said: “The Trilogue (negotiations) today showed very clearly that agreement is feasible if all parties are open to compromise. All parties are committed to the timetable. The texts are actually a lot closer to each other now than we thought a few months ago.”

He was referring to the versions of GDPR that each side has as they enter negotiations over the next 6 months in order to reach agreement on the precise wording for GDPR.

Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers & Gender Equality added that there are more points in common than those that divide the parties. She too said that the European Commission is willing to compromise but the red line was that GDPR must provide a level of protection for EU citizens greater than the current EU Directive 95/46/EC.

Issues that need will need to be agreed in order for progress to be made in the Trilogue phase include the principle of explicit consent (not merely opt-in), mandatory reporting of data breaches, mandatory appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) as well as tougher rules on processing, protection of privacy and fines for organisations that are in breach of GDPR.





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