FT tagged posts

FT Debate on GDPR


If you’d like to watch the debate from the FT Cyber Security Summit Europe that took place on 21 September 2016, click here

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FT Cyber Security Summit Europe – Wed 21 Sept 2016 (London)

Debate: “The European Union’s new data protection rules will impose unnecessary burdens on businesses – Yes or No?”

Business leaders are worried that the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), scheduled to come into effect in early 2018, will seriously harm their commercial interests. It will force them to improve the privacy rights of EU citizens and report data breaches within three days, rules that will be difficult and costly to comply with. Penalties for non-compliance could be as high as 4% of global turnover. However, British businesses could be spared the hassle if Brexit means the UK does not implement the Regulation.

ft-cyber-security-conference-2016In what promises ...
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“Engaged time” could replace CPM as a new online advertising model

internet advertisingCPM metrics could be a thing of the past as website owners look at delivering more than eye balls to advertisers.

The traditional metric of cost per 1,000 page views (CPM) relies on the advertiser paying the website owner in advance to showcase their ad on the website for a certain number of times that the web page is accessed by visitors to the site.

Typically, CPM rates ranged between £4-£10 per 1,000 page views and could be more for reaching niche audiences. Website owners that sell traditional advertising on their sites have to be prepared to show advertisers detailed reports of page view visits and click-through rates in order to cash in on the traffic to the site.


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The Mod(i) Father

Narendra ModiIndian voters are pinning their hopes on their new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist BJP, to make good on his promises – a factor that eventually forced the Congress Party to lose its grip on power and suffer crushing defeat at the hands of its rival.

Former India PM Manmohan Singh claims that the legacy of his presidency is a far stronger Indian economy compared to that when he took office a decade earlier.

But the octogenarian became susceptible to a string of corruption scandals within his own party as well as political paralysis where he was seen as being too aloof to stop.

Modi will be sensitive and mindful of the short-comings of his predec...

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