Thought leadership in digital marketing


We have two feature articles written by Ardi Kolah:

Data protection rules overhaul – Top Tips for compliance

Extract: Data protection and the security of data is perhaps the biggest issue facing the advertising and marketing sector from a business continuity perspective as to get this badly wrong opens the door to punitive fines of up to five per cent of global turnover or €100m. Ardi Kolah shares his top ten tips for marketers.

Urgent Action is Required as Data Breaches hit Record Highs

Extract: According to global digital security firm Gemalto, 1,541 data breaches in 2014 led to one billion data records being compromised, representing a four per cent increase in data breaches and a 78 per cent increase in data records that were either stolen or lost compared to 2013. Ardi Kolah gets the views of one of the UK’s leading data protection and governance experts in conducting a data protection impact assessment (DPIA).

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